How To Take Care Of Oily Hair

Taking care of hair is in fact much the same as taking care of skin. An effective hair care discipline involves cleansing, toning and conditioning routines carried out with religious regularity.

Care of Oily Hair and Scalp Condition

The principle of taking care for oily hair and scalp condition is the same as used for oily skin condition. The routine aims at removing the excess oil and to exfoliate skin cells which clog up and suffocate the hair follicles in our scalp. The emphasis is laid on cleansing and toning routines. Since the hair has to be washed as frequently as it gets dirty and oily, a natural shampoo on a formulation of herbs such as amla, shikakai, trijla is ideal. Massaging hair and scalp is important for the well being as well as good growth of the hair.

For dry hair, scalp massaging with oil is recommended.

For oily hair massaging with toning lotion is suitable.

Homemade Treatment for Oily Hair

Take some dry soap nuts (reetha) and soak them in water overnight.

Mash them in the morning and strain the soapy solution.

Add a tsp of shikakai powder and wash your hair.

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